Learn about the effects of ibuprofen and paracetamol on pets: are they safe for them?

  • These medications are most commonly used in humans, but they can be dangerous to animals

  • It is important to store it in a safe place so that it is not accidentally consumed.

the fear What do we experience when our pet gets sick? indescribable. Our furry companions hold a special place in the Our heartsSeeing them in pain fills us with anguish and anxiety. We feel helpless, and we wish we could ease their discomfort and make them feel better.

Despite this, we must keep calm and avoid hasty decisions that could be dangerous for pets. And just as there are foods that animals should not consume, the same thing happens with medicines. Both paracetamol and ibuprofen It is very toxic to them. Although your dog or cat may look human In some ways , Your body does not process these medicines In the same way. Eating them can cause severe damage to organs such as the stomach and kidneys.

Medication poisoning

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poisoning ibuprofen or paracetamol It can trigger a number of worrisome symptoms in animals, such as apathy, drowsiness, weakness, increased salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, Colic, kidney failure, and even circulatory disorders and bleeding. In serious cases, it can become fatal for the animal.

Veterinary care

If you suspect your pet has accidentally swallowed paracetamol or ibuprofen, It is essential to seek veterinary attention immediately. Try to determine exactly how much medicine you took, as the severity of poisoning can vary greatly. The vet will assess the situation And depending on the severity of the disease, it may lead to vomiting and giving fluids intravenous injection or even blood transfusion of blood to save your pet’s life.

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