Scott Spencer and immortal couple Imperfect, Laura Fernandez

When I was 22 and was running up and down the creaky stairs of the tiny Iowa City house, Day’s house—just 60 square feet over two floors—that had… The famous writer’s workshop, the writing workshop that only those who are already great writers but still have no control over their abilities, we might say, have access.Leslie Jamison wanted to write a story about the breakup.

Leslie Jamison, a futuristic master piece of twenty-first-century American literature, I was at that time already addicted to alcohol, But it will be a few years before he can build his masterpiece about addiction and its consequences, that memoir that is at once a troubled classic of reaching the age of majority named days imprint (anagram).

The point is that Jamison wanted to write about how bad he felt. Yes, you just got divorced. As he said later, it was never difficult for him to write about how awful he was not being able to pick up the phone again to call him. Nor about the stinging emptiness that seemed to devour her. And yet It seemed impossible for him to remember what he had missed. This is the good part of that love story that ended. As if her brain, in an effort to avoid further suffering, had discarded every last good memory of what she experienced in order to force her to move on without regretting what she had lost. Then he asked his teacher what he was reading to remember, and he replied: Without the slightest doubt: endless loveScott Spencer book.

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Scott Spencer is a curious guy. like that endless lovethe novel that has just been published for the first time in Spanish by the publisher called Impossible and succulent and addictive wallpaper, infinite puppet. Laurie Moore was so lost in her mind in front of it that she would read voraciously, and then after that, all of Spencer’s work. Spencer was born, by the way, as Jamison, in Washington, D.C., just 38 years ago, in 1945. In fact, endless love It was published in 1979, four years before Jamieson was born. It was his third novel. It was followed by his other classic, Revive the dead — also about separation, or condemned and eternal love — which he talks about with Moore in a can’t-miss phone interview hosted on the website of The Bomb Magazine.

In it, don’t miss the writer who did and removed the couple the most full storiesHe acts as a cheerleader, asking how ideas come to him Most of the time, Spencer says, he’s driving, and yes, he keeps a notebook in the glove compartment and pulls it out at traffic lights or when he’s alone on the road, taking notes. So how many lolita and infatuation with an uncredited narrator in infinite love – So much, Nabokov is a writer who loves, and thinks he doesn’t talk about anything else in it lolita How the novel is created–and why its characters always seem so haunted. “In a sense,” he said to her, “Your stories are ghost stories.” And he does not deny it. Nor does he deny that when he writes he enters into a state of ecstasy or that he is desperately inclined towards another.

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But what happens in endless love There is nothing poetic about it. In fact, Jamison was surprised to find himself on the front page of A troubled lover is able to burn down his daughter’s house because she broke up with him. The boy in question, David Axelrod, is 17, and the certainty that love “has taken a wrong course in me and driven me into chaos”. All David wants is to be with Jade, patient and innocent at the same time. The first person in whom the novel is told is the first person like him JD Salinger uses the The Catcher in the Ryejust less naughty. David is in a world preoccupied with only one thing: Jade and her family are weirdos and free Butterfields.

The idea of ​​eternity about love that Jamieson’s teacher wanted her to glean from her reading endless love It is about this false path that David is talking about. Obsession, the need for constant connection, the desire to never stop belonging. Jameson said Make her scream, make her burn, The title of the volume in which the tale is included with Spencer’s novel, which The Other is often opaque, a “mysterious, forest-like” entity., for those who consider it intrigued and determined to delve into it. Finding the way you got lost there – the way David Axelrod will keep getting lost forever – is about finding a way to get everything back from the beginning so you can figure it all out.

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