“Caliphate” Final Review: Tense and Brilliant Until Our Last Breath

Succession (Season 4) & starf; & starf; & starf; & starf; & starf;

Creator: Jesse Armstrong

Title: Mark Milhaud, Becky Martin, Lauren Scafaria

distribution: Brian Cox, Jeremy Strong, Sarah Snook, Kieran Culkin

nation: United State

Duration: Between 56 and 84 minutes (10 episodes)

year: 2023

sex: drama

Season finale premiere: May 29, 2023 (HBO Max)

Jesse Armstrong, the creator of “The Caliphate,” delivered on his promise to end the series on a high note rather than letting it wither. In the The fourth and final season of this fantastic satirical drama (or is it a tragicomedy?) There have only been critical episodes, with twists that force us to reset expectations. when we thought kendall (Jeremy Strong) , Chef (Sarah Snook) and roman (Kieran Culkin(They were going to focus on a new startup, we saw them acquire Pierce just to annoy Patriarch Logan)Brian Cox). And just when we thought the latter was going to bring them back in some way, deaths came more common to the series finale almost from the beginning of the season. Destabilization and you will succeed.

This also does not mean that Logan has disappeared from the series or has ceased to wield his murderous influence. He continued there with a final note in which Kendall could be singled out or written off as the successor. Or such a kind of “deepfake” with a lot of weight in the show’s rhetoric for Living+, a real estate adventure offshore, but down to earth, with the real addition of eternal life. Or in this video, at the end really emotional, it culminates in the bizarre circle created by eldest son Connor (Alan Rock) to distribute my father’s things.

Reminds us of the photographer Nan Golden At the beginning of the wonderful documentary “Beauty and Pain”: “The real experience stinks and slops, and it never ends with simple endings”. As the authors of “Succession,” Armstrong in the lead, seem to want to remind us of that in life There are no final twists or clean cuts; Not even death is such a thing. That’s why we’ve seen the late Logan bust through every day of life. Or Chief and Tom meet again after the separation scene in the first act, which seemed to be the beginning of the road to no return. But no, they could still be more sincere: remember the wonderful scene on the balcony in Episode VII. But no, it didn’t end here.

satire and humanity

The latest episodes of the “Caliphate” series did as expected and required. An electric balance between devastating sarcasm and honest emotion. It often begins with gatherings of all kinds, whether it’s a wedding with a spooky shocker, a visit by wealthy townspeople to a sophisticated GoJo haven in Norway, or the first pre-election party without big boss Logan Rhee, Armstrong has put a vibrant vibe into it. A cruel joke can be funny or quite the opposite. The most direct satire coexists (or coexists, though it is difficult to say) with the most complex humanism.

Perhaps because the end is near. Everything is tinged with extra sadness And the characters awakened our sympathy even more, if possible. Especially since Roman is truly shaken by Logan’s death and unable to face his carefully prepared eulogy or simply watch his father enter a portentous shrine. and even Connor, once used as a laugh, but now also able to strike a chord, as in a post-karaoke monologue in which he recalls Advantages of being an outcast: For example, you learn to live without the love of your family.

But empathy doesn’t take away reality, nor does Armstrong sweep under the rug the danger of people like these who walk the face of the earth; That many positions of power are occupied by incompetent and unscrupulous people, capable of destroying the democratic process to achieve their personal interests, as happened in the terrifying episode “America Decides”, where The dangerous fascist Gerd Mencken falsely and prematurely declared himself the winner of the election.

The end of a bitter party

With the characters generally being pretty mean, or pretty weak depending on which way you look at them, any ending would be unsettling for Waystar or the world. It doesn’t matter if the deal between the old Waystar and the new tech front that GoJo represents is closed or banned. Any outcome imaginable would be unfair. But Armstrong picked one in particular, as if he wanted to remind us of that one more time Behind a far-reaching decision, capable of changing history, are usually the most absurd and simplest instincts.

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Before that, we realized, after a short mirage, how difficult it was for the two affected Roy brothers to share a room for more than two minutes in peace. Unexpectedly however during a crucial meeting, he works to bring out all the pain and confusion that appears beneath the family’s haughty façade. The spectacle could be classified as catharsis, or the like, were it not for its purifying and liberating effect, neither for the protagonists nor for the viewer..

It’s easy to end this wonderful final episode, which runs nearly an hour and a half, between almost ridiculous tears. But it is not an emotion of identification as much as it is admiration. It will be hard to find Another offensively well written series; Another beautifully orchestrated symphony of chaos; Another set of very credible gestures by some actors who realize they’ve hit the ceiling; Another vision of late capitalism that knows how to avoid the supposed inspirational glamor. We misused the phrase “end of an era” a bit, but this time it really is.

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