Protests against the Bulwart government resulted in one death in Lima and several injured

The protests caused the first victim to die in Lima on Saturday night: Victor Santisteban Yaxavelca, 55, who died of a traumatic brain injury (TEC) and breach due to the explosion of a tear gas canister. “We regret Death of Victor Santisteban Yasavelka In today’s violent demonstrations, the Guard headquarters at the Jarau Emergency Hospital are coordinating with the Peruvian Attorney General’s Office for actions in accordance with the law,” the Ombudsman’s Office reported on its Twitter account.

Since mid-January, various delegations from Puno, Junín, Arequipa, Tacna, Ayacucho, Cuzco, Lambayeque and Ica have arrived in Lima, the capital of Peru, to demand the resignation of President Dina Pouluart, and to advance elections. to let the Congress go, with an unpopularity of up to 90 percent among Peruvians.

The protests began on December 7 after the failed attempt by President Pedro Castillo to dissolve the Congress and seize all powers; Then it was Arrested for rebellion and remove them from office. Her replacement was then Vice President Dina Boulwart, who took office as the country’s first female president.

Violent clashes

Since the demonstrations began against President Dina Boulwart as an ally of the unpopular Congress, 65 people have died in the country; 6 in Apurímac, 10 in Ayacucho, 22 in Puno, and the rest in Arequipa, Cuzco, La Libertad, and now in Lima. Among them are a burned policeman and 9 barricade victims.

The student delegations were joined by the University of San Marcos, the National University of Engineering and the Catholic University, as well as delegations from Puno, Cuzco and Lambayeque. As they walk, they are escorted by policemen and Navy tanks.

In today’s march, the demonstrators left the Plaza dos de Mayo in central Lima and marched through the main arteries until they reached Abancay Avenue where they were waiting for them. police collar That they were not allowed into San Martín Square, as the ABC was able to verify, they were greeted with tear gas canisters. In response, a group of demonstrators threw stones and fireworks at the police.

In addition to the death of Victor Santisteban, There are three seriously injured: Marco Arango Rolando, Taire Isidoro Bedon Maguiña and one with an eye bump, Alberto Marcha Carnisa. The number of injured people who are being transferred to hospital is 12, while the number of injured is 22 and they are in stable condition, according to the Board of Grievances.

injured journalists

There were also attacks on journalists who covered the march: there Four photojournalists were injured With tear gas canisters. The police attacked the Peruvian team of Waika, Kevin Huamani and Falia Aguirre, who also took their equipment while they were covering the arrival of the injured at the Grau Hospital in downtown Lima.

On the same day as the march against the government, one kilometer away, a party for peace was held, organized by supporters of President Bulwart.

In addition to the death of Victor Santisteban, there are three seriously injured: Marco Arango Rolando and Tyre Isidoro Bedon Maguina and one with a trauma to the eye, Alberto Marcia Carnesa

Since the mass rallies began in Lima that ended with the resignation of former President Manuel Merino (who lasted a week in office, in November 2020), and where Students Inti Sotelo and Bryan Pintado diedThere were no clashes between the police and the demonstrators like today.

On Friday the 27th, Congress again refused to hold elections in 2023, an option President Poulwart prefers to that of her prime minister, Alberto Otarola, who advocates holding elections in 2024. The mandate of the executive and legislature.

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